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2021/08/30 14:22
Major indicators of economic and social development during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period
Economic development
GDP growth rate
Annual labor productivity growth
Permanent urban residents
Growth of total R&D spending
Number of high-value patents per 10,000 people
Value-added from core industries in digital economy as a proportion of GDP
People’s livelihood and welfare
Growth of per capita disposable income of residents
Surveyed urban unemployment rate
Average schooling years of working-age population
Number of practicing physicians (physician assistants) per 1,000 people
Basic old-age insurance coverage rate
Nursery capacity for children under 3 years per 1,000 people
Average life expectancy
Ecological conservation
Reduction of energy consumption per unit of GDP
Reduction of CO2 emission per unit of GDP
Proportion of days with good air quality in cities at and above prefectural level
Proportion of surface water of Grade III or better quality
Forest coverage rate
Security & Safety
Overall grain output (100 million tons)
Overall energy production capacity (100 million tons of standard coal)
Tackling key problems in frontier science and technology
1. 新一代人工智能
New generation of artificial intelligence
Make breakthroughs in advanced basic theories, research and develop dedicated chips, build platforms for open-source algorithms such as deep learning framework, innovate in learning reasoning and decision-making, images and graphics, voice and video, natural language recognition and processing, and other fields.
2. 量子信息
Quantum information
Research and develop metropolitan, intercity, and free space quantum communication technology, research and produce general quantum computer prototypes and practical quantum simulators and make breakthroughs in quantum precision measurement technology.
3. 集成电路
Integrated circuits
Research and develop integrated circuit design tools, key equipment, and key materials such as high-purity targets, make breakthroughs in advanced integrated circuit technology and characteristic processes such as insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and micro electromechanical system (MEMS), upgrade advanced storage technology, and develop wide bandgap semiconductors such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride.
4. 脑科学与类脑研究
Brain science and brain-like intelligence technology
Analyze brain cognition principles, map the mesoscopic brain connectome, research mechanisms and interventions for major brain diseases and brain intelligence development of children and adolescents, research and develop brain-like computing and brain computer fusion technology.
5. 基因与生物技术
Genes and biotechnology
Research and develop genomics applications, conduct technological innovation in genetic cells and genetic breeding, synthetic biology and biological medicine, research and develop innovative vaccines, in vitro diagnosis and antibody drugs, create new major varieties of crops, livestock and poultry, aquatic products, and agricultural microorganisms, and conduct research on key biosafety technologies.
6. 临床医学与健康
Clinical medicine and health
Conduct basic research on the pathogenesis of cancers and cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, respiratory, and metabolic diseases, conduct R&D on active health intervention technology and pioneering technologies such as regenerative medicine, microbiome, and new treatment, and conduct research on key technologies for prevention and treatment of major infectious diseases and major chronic non-infectious diseases.
7. 深空深地深海和极地探测
Deep space, deep earth, deep sea, and polar explorations
Conduct research on the origin and evolution of the universe, deep earth and other areas of basic science and technology, make inter-planetary explorations such as the Mars orbit and asteroid inspection, develop a new generation of heavy carrier rockets and reusable space transportation systems, deep earth exploration equipment, deep sea operation and maintenance support and equipment test ships, three-dimensional polar observation and monitoring platforms and heavy icebreakers, and push ahead with the lunar exploration project (Phase IV), Jiaolong deep sea project (Phase II), and Xuelong polar exploration project (Phase II).
Major national science and technology infrastructure
1. 战略导向型
Strategic orientation
Develop ground-based space environment monitoring network, high-precision ground-based timing system, large-scale low-speed wind tunnel, seabed scientific observation network, space environment simulation research infrastructure, and comprehensive research facility for fusion technology.
2. 应用支撑型
Application support
Develop high energy photon source, high-efficiency and low-carbon gas turbine research facility, high gravity centrifugal simulation and test facility, accelerator driven transmutation research facility, future network test facility, etc.
3. 前瞻引领型
Develop hard x-ray free electron laser facility, large high altitude air shower observatory, synergetic extreme condition user facility, the deep underground and ultra-low radiation background facility for frontier physics experiments, precision gravity measurement facility, high intensity heavy-ion accelerator facility, etc.
4. 民生改善型
Improving people’s well-being
Develop translational medicine research facilities, multimodal and cross-scale biomedical imaging facilities, model animal phenotype and genetic research facilities, seismic experimental site, earth system science numerical simulator, etc.
Enhancing core competitiveness of manufacturing industry
1. 高端新材料
High-end new materials
Promote high-end rare earth functional materials, high-quality special steel, and high-performance alloys. Make breakthroughs in advanced metal and inorganic non-metallic materials such as high-temperature alloys, high-purity rare metals, high-performance ceramics, and electronic glass, enhance the R&D and application of carbon fiber, aramid fiber, and other high-performance fibers and their composites, bio-based and biomedical materials, and expedite key technological breakthroughs in high-performance resins, such as metallocene polyethylene and electronic high-purity materials such as photoresist for integrated circuits.
2. 重大技术装备
Major technical equipment
Promote the R&D and application of CR450 high-speed China-standard EMUs, China-standard metro train series, high-end machine tool equipment, advanced engineering machinery, key nuclear power unit components, cruise ships, large LNG cabins, and deep-sea petroleum & natural gas production platforms, and promote the demonstration operation of C919 large passenger aircraft and ARJ21 regional passenger aircraft series.
3. 智能制造与机器人技术
Intelligent manufacturing and robotic technology
Focus on the development of distributed control system, programmable logic controller, data acquisition, video monitoring system, and other industrial control equipment, make breakthroughs in advanced controllers, high-precision servo drive systems, high-performance reducers, and other key technologies used in intelligent robots. Develop additive manufacturing.
4. 航空发动机及燃气轮机
Aero engine and gas turbine
Accelerate the R&D and verification of key materials used in advanced aero engines, and promote the development of CJ1000 civilian-use high bypass ratio turbofan engines. Make breakthroughs in the key technology for wide body aircraft engines and realize the industrial manufacturing of advanced civil turboshaft engines. Build a heavy-duty gas turbine test power station in Shanghai.
5. 北斗产业化应用
Industrial application of BeiDou
Make breakthroughs in communication and navigation technologies and integration, build innovation platforms for industries adopting BeiDou, carry out typical demonstrations in communication, finance, energy, civil aviation, and other industries, and promote market-oriented and large-scale application of BeiDou in leading cities in consumer markets such as vehicle navigation, smartphones, and wearable devices.
6. 新能源汽车和智能(网联)汽车
New-energy and intelligent (networked) vehicles
Make breakthroughs in the key technologies in high-safety power battery, high-efficiency drive motor, and high-performance powertrain system for new energy vehicles and accelerate the research and development of basic technological platforms as well as software and hardware systems, drive-by-wire chassis, intelligent terminals, and other key components of intelligent (networked) automobiles.
7. 高端医疗装备和创新药
High-end medical equipment and innovative medicine
Make breakthroughs in core technologies in endoscopic surgical robots and extracorporeal membrane oxygenators, and develop high-end color imaging, radiotherapy, and other large medical equipment and key spare parts. Develop implanted interventional products such as brain pacemakers and biodegradable vascular stents and promote the upgrade of rehabilitation assistive devices. Research and develop vaccines for major infectious diseases and develop specific drugs for the treatment of malignant tumors, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Strengthen the research and development of key technology and equipment used in traditional Chinese medicine.
8. 农业机械装备
Agricultural machinery and equipment
Develop intelligent large horsepower tractors, precision (no tillage) seeders, boom sprayers, trenching drag harrows, efficient combine harvesters, fruit and vegetable harvesters, sugarcane harvesters, cotton harvesters, and other advanced agricultural machinery. Develop high-efficiency agricultural machinery specially designed for hilly areas and promote the development and industrial manufacturing of advanced grain and oil processing equipment. Research and develop eco-friendly intelligent equipment for breeding and feeding, environmental control, and manure collection and utilization, among others. Research and develop machinery and equipment for afforestation and grass planting.